Life Satisfaction- Fulfillment of our purposes.

    Life Satisfaction- Fulfillment of our purposes

       What is the purpose of our life… have you ever wondered? Don't our dreams, desires, ambitions or goals attach a purpose, a meaning to our life? There should be “something” that we wish/want to achieve throughout our life or else it will be so dull and boring. Wanting to fulfill our "purpose" motivates us to set a target for ourselves to reach and meet. It puts us on a mission, helps us focus and makes our life challenging and exciting…. also thrilling, depending on what we want from life!!

      Our purpose makes us productive and most of us meticulously walk on our self-chosen path with “self-confidence, own desired pace and strong belief” to attain the satisfaction (fulfillment) that our mind wants and our heart desires. Big or small, some or many… all of us do have dreams and desires. Many people also have what they call a “bucket list” to tick.

      When our purpose is fulfilled, efforts are recognized and rewards are earned… we feel satisfied. 

Satisfaction is that blissful state of our mind where we find happiness... we feel blessed, at peace and content with what we have achieved. We feel proud of ourselves when we are satisfied. It becomes easy to spread love, positivity and peace when our mind feels secure and satisfied.

       The absolute truth of life is that it is never "fairy tale perfect" for anyone. Kindly think with me in these directions:
(1) We may not be very successful (financially) in life but, we may yet feel satisfied with what we have and vice versa.

(2) We may not be satisfied professionally but, we might be still satisfied personally (relationships) and  vice versa.

(3) We may not be personally very happy right now at this moment but, we may yet feel satisfied with our life in general and vice versa (poorest people on my mind here).

(4) We could not achieve everything that we wanted in life, but still could settle with the realization that we found occasional satisfaction in bits and pieces.

      Experiences in our life teach us many valuable lessons. We also learn from other's experiences. Our outlook towards life does change especially with the bitter lessons learnt and so does the meaning of “satisfaction”. We gradually learn to adjust with the reality of life and keep amending our ways to feel satisfied.

     Hard work is the key to success that gives us the desired satisfaction. Working hard to our full capacity and giving our best is only in our hands .. isn't it? We need to also continuously work on our patience, training and preparing our mind to be courageous... bravely deal with any unforeseen situations. Being mentally prepared for the worst has always helped me so far in life. Impact of the failures on my mind seem to lessen with this attitude.    

      Putting true efforts while trying out the various options and possibilities also gives us some satisfaction in life even if we don't reach the desired end results. Think about it !

      Satisfied childhood is every child's right. It has been proved that a safe, caring, protected, enriching, nurturing childhood environment has a potential to produce vibrant, helpful, responsible and compassionate adults for our society and the world. We learn and absorb the most from our environment. If we receive the “right” environment and the timely “Wise Value doses” along with healthy conversations while growing up, chances are that it will keep us much grounded, sorted and benefit us quite a lot in thinking and taking good decisions as an adult.

      There is a very thin line between “needs” and “wants". We unknowingly cross that line in our life and get lost in the deep ocean of “wants” and keep fishing for our desired catch (satisfaction) our entire life. Our minimum basic needs are just satisfactory Food (to stay alive), Shelter (to rest), Clothing (to cover our body) and Education (profession that gives us sufficient money to survive). Rest all falls in the “wants” category. 

     Some valuable statements that work as reminders are... We must stretch our legs according to the size of our quilt. Miscalculated risks could be dangerous in the long run.

     Doesn’t it really depend on what we can afford… our savings… our earning capacity… financial condition? After the minimum basic needs are easily met, depending on individual choice and wishes, most of us start “wanting” extra or should I say start creating space for the “luxuries in our life”. Wants are never ending and hence we are never completely satisfied.

 Prioritizing our wants and showing respect for the value of money will take us a step closer to attaining the satisfaction. Don't you agree?

     Majority of people find plenty of time to think “Am I satisfied in life” only after they retire... Don't you think? Looking back, the idle minds start realizing: what they have missed in life, what they could have done better and many other self-realizations. “I have lead a satisfied life” is a deep karmic feeling that cannot be suddenly attained and enjoyed in the present. We know: “Karma has no menu. We get served what we deserve”.

     Towards our end "Life satisfaction" collectively depends on some (or all) of these factors that we can individually relate to: 🔍how we were raised up, 🔍our own character, 🔍values/ principles we believe in, 🔍what all we wanted (purposes), 🔍the opportunities we got, 🔍the path we took, 🔍the choices and decisions we made in life, 🔍our goals achieved,🔍our desires getting fulfilled, 🔍the commitments, adjustments and promises we met and many more!!

My mantra of dealing with life is--
THINK (Deeply and thoroughly) - DECIDE (Cautiously and firmly)- ACT (Take action promptly)- DON'T REGRET LATER (decisions and outcome) ... What's yours?

   Let me end by saying: Let’s do what we want to do….Celebrate life! Let's keep trying and giving satisfactory efforts!

Thank you very much. Your comments and opinions are very valuable to me. Do  share this post so that it reaches more eyes and minds. Until next time.... keep dreaming!!


  1. Nicely written. I think with Think, Decide, Act if we add Learn from mistakes then Life becomes easy and interesting.
    Keep writing beautiful articles Swati ✌✌

    1. Thanks a lot. You are always so motivating and encouraging!! Learn from the mistakes we make... very true 👍


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