Appreciation - Our greatest emotional craving.

            👏👌👍😊  APPRECIATION – 

                Our greatest emotional craving.  👏👌👍😊

                All of us not only have our very own way and style of showing appreciation but also have discrete desires and expectations when it comes to getting appreciated. Why is it that we tend to selfishly (thinking only about our benefit) appreciate people and care less about selfless appreciation? Can’t we admire the efforts of our dear one/friend/acquaintance genuinely? Reciprocating the feelings is equally important. “Give and take” makes life purposeful and assures us that we are not taking/ taken for granted.

         “Appreciation” what the theory says is recognizing and enjoying the good qualities of someone or something. It is about cherishing and valuing what we have in our life. Appreciation is an act of feeling, admiring and acknowledging the efforts put in by people(known/unknown) around us. A “Thank you” is the basic way to appreciate and show our gratefulness. “Am I being taken for granted” feeling creeps up if we don’t feel appreciated.

Appreciation at our work place:
        Every employee longs for appreciation at regular intervals. The appreciation standards do differ depending on the profession and the job profile. The way of appreciation is mainly showering monetary benefits and attractive incentives at the work place. “A person well appreciated will put extra efforts than what is expected” is the secret formula that always works professionally. This has been used for ages to motivate the employees and inspire them to keep doing well in the future.

         I must mention that this is a big quality that I learnt while working in the west. Equality of labor and the timely praises brings up the productivity. Besides treasuring the history of the nation, optimum conservation of resources and portraying the basic civic sense… a human life, its existence and their efforts are so well recognized and valued out there.

Appreciating what we have in our life:
         Showing gratefulness and sensitivity towards everything around me I believe is the least selfless thing I can do in my life. If we are at peace and content with the choices we make in our life, we appreciate with open armsIf we train and convince ourselves to value and adapt to what and how much we have in our life, it becomes little easy to lead a decent life. Don’t you think?

          The feeling of a “satisfied life” and being grateful towards it changes from person to person and so does their approach. I personally focus in putting my best in whatever I do and try to fulfill my desires, but, at the same time believe in “destiny” governing our life to some extent. Also, the “luck” factor must have its aim on us at the same time. To be in the right place at the right time is a matter of luck.

          A dream life with no hard work, unbeatable destiny and forever good luck is only possible in fairy tales or looks promising on the silver screen and is very rare to find.

          In real life, we must fulfill our needs, goals and desires with continuous hard work and perseverance, give a tough fight to our destiny and never stop hoping for good luck.

          I am training myself and growing to believe that whatever happens in my life will happen for my good. I appreciate what I have, hope for the best and keep preparing myself for the worse. Tough to practice but can’t give up.

Appreciating the people who matter the most to us:
          Most of us always miss/forget to appreciate our real close ones and unknowingly keep on assuming them. This commonly happens in daily life inside our own home. A housewife doing an all work and no pay job, completing her daily action items has a sensitive mind that can easily get hit with “I feel worthless, assumed and used” thoughts when she doesn’t get her desired appreciation. The working couple should appreciate each other by sharing the household duties. Children imitate their parents. Occasional compliments are very healthy in any family.

          Sharing (It feels nice to talk to you) and communicating (I am listening and responding) is caring (I am always here for you) and a way of appreciation.

          Appreciation doesn’t always have to be flattery in nature nor should it be fake. Sometimes actions do speak louder than words, just an acknowledging smile, sparkle in eyes with raised eyebrows, thumbs up sign, a hug, a small note or an applaud does the charm. “Doing little things” is another way of showing appreciation. When I see people sharing their photo images on social sites I love to show my appreciation. Making someone happy gives pleasure to my heart.

          Getting appreciated is every heart’s desire. Appreciation strengthens the relationship. It is our greatest emotional craving.

Appreciating the things or experiences:
          Isn’t it easy to show appreciation towards the “things or events” that we enjoy in our life but many times difficult to show the similar appreciation when it comes to certain personal/professional relationships?

         We find ourselves generously admiring and praising the beautiful painting, breath taking nature, amazing art and craft, natural or man-made wonders, well executed play or show, a movie, a restaurant cooked tasty food etc. We don’t think twice if we feel like appreciating the strangers in public.

Appreciating in general:
          When it comes to showing individual admiration, especially to the known faces, all of us start thinking and evaluating. We have our own reasons why, when, if and how we appreciate.

           I have understood so far that people in their mind do admire secretly. Some people simply don’t like to react openly. Every one of us have our own tested ideas and opinions. Have you observed that generally women are more expressive and react more widely than men? Many people consciously decide to remain silent spectators for the reasons best known to them while some people are very vocal where their enthusiasm and excitement is always felt and sometimes may be even misunderstood.

           I read this onlineYou should STOP doing things for someone when you realize that it is EXPECTED rather than APPRECIATED. Very true … isn’t it?

           Wouldn’t you agree if I say that the human mind is very powerful, thoughtful and spiritual yet complex, twisted and complicated creation of god? Looking at our evolution till date, he himself must be re-thinking about his own creation by now. We can get so unpredictable and impossible to relate to at times.

           While most of the time our mind is peaceful, one crooked situation can trigger and jeopardize our thoughts and beliefs. It may take endless time to make decisions or even to think right with that state of mind. Sometimes, we are so confused that we may not be sure if we have even reached the right decision. In many cases, moral values go for a toss. Most crimes are seen to be committed by such vulnerable minds.

            Our mind at such difficult times gets out of control and we get so lost in our thoughts that we can’t spare time nor are we in the mood to appreciate the goodness around us and don’t think that appreciating is ever so “necessary” to usBut, just like the seasons change, the bad phase passes by after testing our courage and patience. That is the deserving time for self-appreciation. So… let’s appreciate our existence!!

            Let me end with this interesting online quote: Flattery is from the teeth out. Sincere appreciation is from the heart out.

            I genuinely appreciate the time you took out for me and read my thoughts. Thank you very much. Your suggestions and comments are very much valued.


  1. Hi Swati!! Very well written. Person gets satisfaction when his efforts are appreciated and it gives a boost to move ahead for more.

    1. Thanks a lot ... indeed it does 😊🙏🏼👍🏽


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