Balance - The entire world works on this .
⚖ Such an intriguing word this is - Balance .
Looks so simple, so easy to pronounce and could be byhearted in a jiffy, yet,
such a heavy & a powerful word. We need to act on this word each &
every day in our life. At all ages we need to know and adapt the broad meaning
of this fascinating word " Balance " . Balance needs to be maintained
in everything that we do in life. If we really know, understand and learn the
true meaning of how to balance. then. mankind could find far better peace, good
mental health, happiness, love, contentment, divine strength to face any
situation what so ever and surviving the toughest challenges that life could
offer. There is no soul in this wide world who has not seen ups and downs
in the journey of life. But, mastering the art of balancing the pressures can
help us sail safely to the shore. 🚣🏼⚖.
A child learns to balance its head at just
three months old, thereafter turn and roll, crawl and finally stand up and
start walking by balancing its tiny body without giving up. The baby does not
even know the word, but, it acts on it and grows as a winner. The toddlers
learn to balance their bicycle. The students learn to balance their school life
and leisure time at a tender age. Reaching the teenage they become a pro in
balancing their social life too. They face a lot of challenges with coming at
terms and understanding their parents’ and their parenting skills. Yet, they
learn to balance and relate to their parents. What is “balance” got to do here?
The art of weighing the agreements and the disagreements in the acceptable
proportion is what the children and their parents do. There should be a correct
balance in the form of compassion, warmth, understanding, respect, space,
attachment and love for each other.
When the great all mighty created this world,
he made sure that he maintained the balance. For an Adam, he created an Eve. As
per the Hindu mythology, in the Satya yug there was a balance between the Devas
and the Asuras that is the swargalok and the narakalok. In the
Treta yug , good and evil balance was maintained by Rama and Raavana . In the
Dwapara yug, the humanity balance was severely shaken when the war of
Mahabharatha was fought within the family . Mental balance of major keyholder
characters was found to be jeopardised. Greed for power, ego, jealousy, insecurity,
insensitivity, lust and hatred were some of the vital reasons. Evil had
empowered the Good and the healthy balance was destroyed. Now, in the Kal yug,
we are unfortunately fighting to maintain the balance within us itself. In our
own mind, our conscious mind fights so hard to maintain the balance between the
good thoughts and the not so good thoughts. We do not need any outsider to
destroy us. We are perfectly capable and armed to hurt and destroy our own self.
Finding and maintaining the right balance after evaluation of the various
possibilities and options can be a huge task for many people. Not all people
are fortunate and blessed to be born with a silver spoon. Lucky ones get a
balanced life served on a platter whereas the unlucky ones must fight a fierce
battle with their thoughts to survive righteously while maintaining the right
balance between good and evil and thereby succeed.
plays a vital role in the smooth transition and practicing the art of balancing
in our life as an adult. Getting a sound, loving, safe, healthy and nourishing
environment as a child is the key to excel the art of balancing the various
challenges that life offers us as an adult. The first 8 years of a child’s life
are very crucial. We learn from our surroundings and experiences. It is
sometimes seen that the bitter experiences make us more stronger and tougher. We
learn each day something new, some new skill which needs to be practiced and mastered.
We should never stop learning and growing till our last breath. Curiosity must
never die and always be fed. If we think positive, good will happen to us. Live
and let live should be the enchanted mantra. Fear of getting judged, trolled, bullied,
losing loved ones or power, getting ignored, not been appreciated or noticed,
greed for attention etc. could be some major reasons for mental balance to be ruined.
Every human being
need to protect their self-respect to at any cost. The balance between any
relationship may it be mother-child, father-child, husband-wife, with extended relatives,
with in-laws, with friends etc is totally connected with the mutual trust and
respect that prevails in the relationship. We can respect others only if we
respect our own self. I have learnt in my life that “power” gives you the
desired respect and fame too. A famous person faces greater risks and
challenges to maintain the fame and yet stay grounded. The right balance is very
much required here especially more to avoid depressions, jealousies, anxieties,
heart breaks and long term financial losses. What we give is what we get. It’s
the circle of life after all.
Self-respect can many times be confused with ‘ego’. They both go together.
Sometimes our ego can be so big that the self-respect is shadowed under it and
the healthy balance is lost. We may be very poor financially but our
self-respect should always be rich to protect our ego.
mind should be like the free-flowing river which is always benefiting the
surroundings and the environment where it flows. It should be able to wash off
all the impure and unnecessary load of undesired thoughts and memories and
store only the treasurable, lovable and desirable ones. Too much of anything
disturbs the balance, may it be too much of rainfall which causes floods,
damaging the environment and habitat or uneven balance in the crust of our
earth that causes earthquakes or the severe fall in the rains that causes the droughts.
All the natural calamities occur when the balance is disturbed. We remain just
helpless mortals when such things happen. When God created this beautiful planet,
he indeed had a plan for us all. He made sure that when a baby is born somewhere,
someone has also died somewhere. Life and death – the perfect balance to keep
the world going.
I will end this article recollecting
these thoughts I read online: Be kind, but don’t let people abuse you. Trust,
but don’t be deceived. Be content, but never stop improving yourself. Life is
short, live it to the fullest!! 😊
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